Jeena loved the Grand Canyon trek. She had been on this route several times with her father, when she was young. This was their together time. He used to take leave from his TV production company and they would wander to one or other treks, which they planned for months in advance.
The Arizona desert trek had been a eye opener. After that they always carried protective head gear. They had been saved from the ferocious sand storm, by their helmets.
Jeena could feel the rugged mountains all around her. She trudged ahead, she must reach the apex and turn back by four o’ clock. Otherwise, the darkness would impede her descent. She lassoed the thick rope which caught a protruding ledge in one go. She lunged and grappled to ascend the steep climb. This would save her at least two hours. She was mid air when the rock lurched and shook with great intensity and it was seconds when her world darkened.
She woke up to complete darkness. She tried moving her limbs to see how she had survived her ten feet fall. Her lower limbs were stuck beneath the boulder which was the reason for her downfall. Her misjudgement would cost her life. She searched for food in her backpack. A flattened piece of cupcake and granola bar was all that she had. She had not planned to stay the night.
The Grand Canyon is home to many wild animals and reptiles. A scorpion sting would finish her. She tried to move but only managed to increase her discomfort. Pain was shooting up her leg and reaching her hip bone. She sucked on her candy bar and hummed a song which she would sing for her Dad.
The morning sun blazed. Her watched showed it was eight o’ clock. A search party would be sent for her if she did not return today. She took her grappling hook and tried dislodging the boulder. Sweat trickled down her bare back. She was wearing a thin singlet and her cycling shorts.
Suddenly she heard a hiss and turned to see a scorpion. It had his tail in the air, ready to attack. A slap withe the hook saved her in the nick of time.
Jack, was worried that the guest in room number 301 had not returned the night. She had said that she would come back the same day because she had not brought her night gear. He had wanted to call the search police at night but they had been busy with the raids on night clubs in the area. Theirs was a small town where people earned a living through tourists. They came to view the Grand Canyon. Some went on organised trips. The adventuresome trekked in groups and the lonesome went in search for newer routes all the time.
With the advent of casinos, the night life had become interesting and the town more prosperous but also immoral.
Jack rang his rescue mission pals. They had joined hands in the earlier days when it was considered kindness to come to rescue of strangers. In his sixty years, he had saved dozen lives. He like Jeena because she was jolly and good to everyone.
They met at the bottom. A caravan of five Jeeps having three persons each departed different ways. They had radios and would signal if they came across Jeena. Two hours had passed and still their were no signs of the girl. Another ten minutes passed and they were about to call it a night when his radio crackled. Jeep three had found her. Directions to the spot were relayed. Everyone was needed to remove the fallen rock. The girl was brave. She must be in infinite pain or sheer adrenaline was helping her survive.
They rushed her to the hospital.Jeena survived her ordeal. She remained in hospital for several months.Doctors said it was a miracle that her legs had been under a arch in the great rock and her sturdy boots had saved her from further injury, otherwise they would have to amputate it.
Today,Jeena is taking scuba diving lessons because she wants to explore the great Pacific Ocean.